The common thread that binds together our eclectic collection of brands is an appreciation for the timeless Aristotelian wisdom that “we are what we repeatedly do”.


Celebrating 10+ years in business.

Grade Holdings is a vibrant consortium of established and emerging business interests operating across the Irish hospitality, entertainment and retail sectors. From award winning festivals and a full-service creative agency, to a Michelin guide restaurant and boutique shops, the common thread that binds together our eclectic collection of brands is an appreciation for the timeless Aristotelian wisdom that “we are what we repeatedly do”. For us then, excellence is not just an act, but a habit. This simple dictum naturally informs our dealings with stakeholders who share our desire to build sustainable businesses that consistently contribute to the long-term growth and prosperity of their local economy.

Our Approach

In the craft of filmmaking the final part of the production process is known as ‘the grade’. It is at this stage that disparate elements of the edit are remastered with individual shot sequences being tonally matched. This technique has the effect of imbuing the film with a clear sense of overall mood, identity, and stylistic cohesion. We see the purpose of Grade Holdings in a similar light, acting as the unifying force which mandates a consistent level of excellence. Regardless of the industry, sector, or niche, our ambition is to bring the same high calibre experience to all our customers across the entire portfolio.


Collaboration is a central part of how we endeavour to grow and sustain our business portfolio. We regard it as an essential means of spurring creativity whilst also offering us the opportunity to leverage specialist and niche expertise across the various markets in which we operate. As part of our ongoing development strategy, we have recently forged alliances with key partners, focusing on the food and beverage industry. These partnerships act as a springboard for us to bring new brands to market whilst also serving as an excellent means of encouraging and cultivating cross-pollination between the various divisions of Grade Holdings. Going forward, we plan to continue exploring new coalitions with partners that share our exacting standards and affiliates that can bring a competitive edge to our interests.